Chuck Smith himself, who started out as every kind of salt and light, found himself tempted by the limelight as he got bigger and bigger, and we saw more and more of his flaws as time went on. . Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Its a sensitive time for both congregations, and I want to convey as they read this my love for both of them. Charlie E. Dates is the senior pastor of Salem Baptist Church and Progressive Baptist Church, two of the oldest and largest historically Black churches in Chicago, Illinois. On March 27-28, Dates will give a sermon and lecture at Samford University for the Department of Biblical and Religious Studies annual Dotson M. Nelson Lecture. Warren announced his intention to retire last year after over 40 years of ministry and began the search for "the next-generation pastor.". I ADORE Charlie Dates. While West says he cannot offer a full affirmation of the theory, he does not see it as incompatible with the gospel. EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, Days-long Revival Sweeping Asbury University in Kentucky, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist. Im not in the weeds at Progressive. At the emergence of the pandemic, the SBC donated to our emergency effort to provide online food delivery services for Chicagoans with SNAP benefits. The hard reality of the seminary presidents statement is that Black people will never gain full equality in the Southern Baptist Convention. Here it was, I thought, further proof that the old SBC was fading. Meeks, 65, founded Salem in 1985 and grew it from 200 to 10,000 members. I returned to our Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago with a bit of sophomoric optimism. So it is Biblical for a leader to have a large flock. He teaches preaching at Wheaton College and serves as an Affiliate Professor of the Baylor University George W. Truett Theological Seminary and as Affiliate Professor of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. But he added God is extending our platform and our reach to the point where Ill be able to provide pastoral leadership for both churches. In 2011, at age 30, he became the youngest Senior Pastor in Progressive's rich 99-year history. If we could look at the current moment and seize the opportunity to develop young people that God has laid his hand upon, then I think the best days of the church, in this critical culture, are in front of us. COMMENTARY: Six white men shouldnt decide Southern Baptist position on race. But I do sense and feel that a lot of the progress that Ive been able to make in the pastorate is connected in some way to his tutelage, his leadership, and his spiritual fathering, so to speak. Not because of a sermon I heard from a distance or book that I read. Everybody loves our old, respected leaders but I want to set an example that its okay to give the next generation an opportunity, Meeks adds. The recent departures caught the attention of Southern Baptist leaders who were disappointed to see them go, particularly fellow African Americans. Charlie Dates serves as the senior pastor at Progressive Baptist Church and teaches at Moody Bible Institute as an adjunct professor. The church actually changed the face of that community, he says. Do you know what I mean by ministering to me? So Im not in a position to speak on that. Weve got to be able to have our 12 stones from our Chicago Jordan River, with a keen eye on the hills and mountains of Jericho and the other cities in Canaan. Theres something about the formation of my mind and my theological heart that is directly shaped by and impacted by watching all of that, and working in all of that, as I came of age, he said. If Charlie Dates indeed used a racial slur (just last year), that does call into fitness his ability to do any of the above. Sign up for our newsletter: That is exactly what I am objecting to though the fact that there is no way he can minister to 11,000 people in the way that he ministered to you. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? I think the distinction is that I can serve Salem well by loving her through the preaching ministry and pastoral care, and she will follow. Sign up now ! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The 65-year-old has been a pastor for 42 years and said he feels like hes got 42 more years in me. But Meeks added hes learned from King Davids life when its time to come off the battlefield.. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. I adore Charlie Dates BECAUSE of how he and his wife PERSONALLY ministered to me when I needed it. 1 is my itinerant ministry will take a reduction, and I will be present locally a lot more, which Im looking forward to. Show Progressive Baptist Church Podcast, Ep Great Expectations | Joshua 14:6-15 | Pastor Bryan Carter - Jul 26, 2022 Progressive has asked me, when the time comes, to help them to find their next pastor. One of the benefits at Progressive is that the operations of the church and systems and structures of the church, the day-to-day operations, are free to move independent of me. Before his call to Progressive, he served as an apprentice pastor at New Zion Baptist Church in Rockford, Illinois, and as a pastor at Salem Baptist Church in Chicago. James Meeks announced Sunday that Pastor Charlie Dates of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago will succeed him as leader of the 10,000-member Salem Baptist Church of Chicago when he steps out of the role in January 2023. When did the theological architects of American slavery develop the moral character to tell the church how it should discuss and discern racism? 3658 SOUTH WENTWORTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL, 60609, 773-268-6048 | [email protected]. "Charlie is called, and I believe all ministry starts with a calling," Meeks said. I dont know if Id recommend this to anybody. If that is YOUR definition of ministering to someone (because that is the language I used, and you jumped to that conclusion), YOU need to revisit it. The pastor of Progressive at the time, his name was Reverend T. Brown, he was such a dynamic leader in the city that he was able to tell [former Chicago mayor] Richard J. Daley, No. And live to tell about it. Dates explained he saw rejecting CRT as part of a continuing heritage of dangerous conservatism.. They do not understand themselves to be beneficiaries of a system that marginalizes people of color.". When I came back home to Southwestern, I even encouraged other ministers to do the same. Perspective by Charlie Dates. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. It seems to me that God has been up to this, directing this well before I could tell. Both of them have produced some stalwart Christian leaders and teachers. 11,909 were here. A graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and adjunct at Baylor Universitys Truett Theological Seminary, West said he planned to withdraw from his current doctoral studies at Southwestern and will not associate with the SBC any longer. Rev. The mega church concept is already troublesome. This shaped his approach to preaching and his thoughts about the transformative role the Black church plays in bringing about the flourishing of a people.Dr. I do pray Pastor Dates is not spread too thin and that he has the support needed to lead such a large flock effectively. and pro football. Meeks, a former state senator, founded Salem Baptist 38 years ago. But as 2020 went on, I grew increasingly uneasy. Now we have 2 churches thinking only one particular man can lead them. Its time for a young generation to come forward with new challenges facing us.. Its no longer that waywe are very much in the community nowbut thats the way it was. I do know it is a debate in the Black community about using certain colorist or racially-charged terms against each other. Standing in the pulpit on Sunday at the House of, Feet splashed in puddles on a rainy Sunday afternoon as almost 1,000 people came together in Smyrna, a small town in Middle. Perhaps I need to know whats defined as a megachurch? Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. And the same for Salem, which might still have it. No. Blessed to serve in the city in which he was born, Reverend Dr. Charlie E. Dates is Chicago through and through. What lessons or advice has he already passed along about leading Salem Baptist? Im working to discern Gods direction as it relates to timing of when to conclude. That philosophy has weakened whatever prophetic potential the SBC has. Our PBC Teens are highly engaged in biblical teaching and discussion on how to navigate a Christian life amongst their peers. It is the work of that church, but its also Reverend Meeks, the pastor of that church. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 53 min; FEB 8, 2023 "Can't Turn . It's to multiply in every generation and right now the church in Chicago needs fresh dynamic trained Gospel fire leaders. Not because of a sermon I heard from a distance or book that I read.. The first challenge is getting the churches to sense that where God gives a vision, theres always provision. You see many people who are guilty of holding onto positions too long, he says. Since then, conservative groups have been more vocal about what they see as an embrace of critical race theory and secular thinking by seminaries and denominational leaders, with the newly formed Conservative Baptist Network being among the most vocal opponents. In a video message to Progressive, Dates said the two churches will stay distinct, though hell pastor them both. In op-eds announcing their decisions to leave, Charlie Dates of Chicagos Progressive Baptist Church and Ralph D. West of Houstons The Church Without Walls both criticized SBC seminary presidents declaration that critical race theory was incompatible with the denominations statement of faith. Comment below and let us know where you're watching fr. The average member was around before Charlie (hes been there ~10 years) and knows hes not the only one who can lead them. No One Knows. @progressivechicago | @charliedates |. Dr. Charlie Dates is widely invited to preach at churches, conferences and universities throughout the United States. What specifically attracted you about this role at Salem Baptist? So he is going to pastor two large churches in addition to teaching at several colleges. We want to walk with you and your family in every step of the way. How did they, who in 2020 still dont have a single Black denominational entity head, reject once and for all a theory that helps to frame the real race problems we face? Dates wrote in an op-ed Friday for the Religion News Service. Two things. To donate, becoming Progressives youngest-ever senior pastor, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicago Unity Service Brings Together Christians Across Ethnic Lines, Chicago Pastor James Meeks Bids Tearful Farewell After 38 Years at Salem Baptist, Tennessee Charity Walk to Fund Needed Wells Persists Despite Rainy Conditions, Eden Village Ministry Aims to End Homelessness Through Tiny Home Communities, Gateway Seminary to Fund Short-Term Mission Trips for All Students, Vineyard Pastor Resigns, Wont Cooperate With Probe Into Sons Alleged Misconduct, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. The two churches will remain separate, and he plans on preaching two sermons each Sunday. He was also on staff at Salem Baptist for five years as Meeks preaching assistant before becoming Progressives youngest-ever senior pastor at age 30. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! He and his wife, Kirstie, have two children. And while we are kind of watching this great falling away, we dont have to merely watch it. Dates preaches at the 2019 African American Preaching Conference. If you have legal questions, attorneys will be available to help you at the legal clinic. In 2011, Reverend Dates became the youngest Senior Pastor to serve the historic Progressive Baptist Church of Chicago, which saw exponential growth under his leadership. But we can actually press into the current culture and lead our young people and train them to lead a revolution for the kingdom and the glory of God. The statementposted on the anniversary of the 13th amendment abolishing slaverycalled for collective repentance and criticized those who would downplay SBCs racial history or label others as critical race theorists for acknowledging systemic injustices. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. How has he influenced you? Susan Robinson is a 100-year-old Black woman and lifelong member of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, where I am senior . "We can multiply that in evangelism, in discipleship, in educating our kids in reducing violence, shutting down liquor stores and opening up new opportunities to help rescue families and that's the church being the church.". Theres a danger when the person idolized has a position of power and authority, particularly in a religious sense. Chicago needs the Black church to be her best and brightest self. He is married to Kirstie Dates and is the proud father of their children, Charlie Edward Dates II & Claire Dates. Also, while there are many people in the comment section who rightfully call him to repent over it, there are plenty of others, including names such as Lecrae and Kyle J Howard, who tweeted their approval of his use of the slur. And I dont even go to Progressive, which is less than 15 minutes from my home (closer than my current church home). Rev. Salem has not lost its relevance, Salem has not lost its edge, while maintaining a very high view of Scripture and its very Christo-centric approach to ministry. Services Progressive Baptist Church SUNDAYS AT PROGRESSIVE We'd love for you to join us at our Sunday Services! Our city and our nation need the black church to be her best and brightest self and now is the time for churches to be strong," he said. Vance Pitman resigned in December from Hope Church in Las Vegas to lead the SBCs national church-planting organization. This workshop will cover everything from home buying basics to the most important step, funding and loan process. I imagine they provide cover for the SBC leadership to further alienate Black and brown Christians who do not ascribe to their heritage of dangerous conservatism. But there is nothing wrong with loving those who I do have personal relationships with, and have really left an impact on my faith, family, and heart.. I think part of this is connected to what attracted me to Salem Baptist. We need new opportunities," Meeks told his cheering congregation. I just hate to see us automatically dismiss a pastor, church or ministry due to size. The beauty of this narrative is that the Lord, in his kindness and his grace, has taken pastors and churches to develop me. There is a young man in our midst who is an exceptional preacher, Pastor Meeks told congregants Sunday, calling Charlie Dates both called and qualified., He came out of our church, says Meeks, and its time for young people to step up and be given a chance.. Charlie Dates is the Senior Pastor of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, IL. Learn more. To start, Dates will keep his current post as senior pastor at Progressive Baptist Church, a 15-minute drive from the House of Hope arena where Salem Baptist meets. To invite Dr. Have you ever dreamed of owning a home, but don't know where to begin? While continuing to lead Progressive Baptist, the 41-year-old pastor was named the successor to James Meeks at Salem Baptist Church, one of the citys biggest congregations. But some have grown frustrated with their position in a denomination that remains largely white (African Americans make up just 6 percent of Southern Baptists, according to Pew Research Center). Ill tell you: abolition, the womens suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, a Black U.S. president who was initially against partial-birth abortion, non-white male faculty at their seminaries and now a theory that uncovers our nations de jure and de facto segregation. It took a while for it to reimagine and revitalize and become relevant again. And I think we can develop a platform, a pipeline to invite those who feel that burden of call to grow them and to release them to do that," he added. If I can help these churches recognize Gods hand in their past as a kind of indication of God, of what God wants to do in the future, then I think I can hand it off to the next generation in good fashion.