They have colluded with each of the authorities of every municipality to facilitate their operations, as well as the Aguapretenses media that publishes information in their favor, include Peridico Certeza, Diario Digital Aguapretense, La Bartolina. They don't have a lot gente there or en el otro lado. who is US is protecting him? The other girl killed (Alondra Leyva) was the girlfriend of one of Rascons workers. Over the years I have always thought about him he would be 19 or 20 about now, You post beheading videos but wont post a photo because of a loved one maybe seeing it? Than come back and collect, nothing free, Dile compa Junior de tiene gente en Tucson de quiere trabajar, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;[email protected]. Ppl were terrified of R5. Reminds me when the Patriots were at their peak and every fan HATED the Patriots and Tom Brady.. Arriva Sonora, DURANGO, CHIHUAHUA y sinaloa pleves!!! there was a worse foto i didn't post---this was bad enough. Yes they are narco-traffickers, but they have kept the peace in this region forever. There was this young woman called la pelirroja---she was a kidnapper, and very pretty. They used to argue about who was bigger chapo Arturo or mayo. Just wonderful. Agua Prieta . But upon theirarrival, many migrants like Chasov are immediately greetedwith a harsh reality affecting many border communities: They're easy prey for organized crime. Carrying out direct orders from Tin Tin, he is responsible for distributing drugs, managing cattle theft and murders in the area that he controls. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. what other heavyweights livd in Phoenix? @4:46 youre correct. seems like a "i don't like it" if you don't provide the proof bro. Fox was becoming to powerful. WebAt CAME ( Centro de Atencin al Migrante Exodus) in Agua Prieta, Sonora, there are 160 people sleeping in a shelter with a 44 person capacity. Carrying out the same orders of the other people in charge of the plaza that includes drug distribution, executions and disappearances of people. Yes 3:17 hes the main reason this is going on. But as they arrived, so did the cartel threats. CJNG just added another Plaza to their list! AGUA PRIETA, Mexico . the "seat of power" for the Paredes empire. CJNG is involved in Chihuahua, they support La Linea & NCDJ with resources to fight CDS. Jorge hails from the LaMadrid family, a family which is heavily involved in drug trafficking for Los Paredes / the Sinaloa Cartel. one wonders whether he works for FBI, DEA. What did you expect for Sonora to stay as Disneyland forever!! (Source). The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. Caro quintero and chapo isidro alongside con el tito beltran, are coming back. We have stated the policy of BB for many years. Ramos said they're in contact with the Mexican Federal Police, rather than state and local law enforcement, to report any major incidents. The Sinaloa Cartel is also thought to play a major It was not cjng or blo. Saludos desde Los Angeles, El Nemesis-, This article is wrong, Delta is not the head of sicarios anymore,he was replaced a while ago. Possibly has a brother named Ramon also operates for Los Paredes. There was also rumors that macho Prieto killed r5 in Hermosillo. here are some of the narco queens . Iris chavez updated her Facebook profile picture?!? Not if the dead were bad! Thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin have entered this corridor to Arizona, New Those dead people have robbed that town of much more! Correct el 20 was the same one that killed mandy and supposedly Tito torbellino. Quinteros? Prosecutors with the U.S. Attorneys Office later agreed to not use a recording of the statements as evidence if the case went to trial. By 2018, El Ochenta's network of protection had been diminished enough that he was arrested. I thought La Lnea killed the Lebaron fam? In 2013 the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against Rascon Ramirez, naming him the plaza boss of Agua Prieta. I used to believe the cds corridos until I educated myself on cartels thanks to Borderland beat and other reliable sources.. corridos are not real 7:14 and that makes you proud dumb ass. Conboys are again seen on the streets. Jorge LaMadrid later admitted in court that he and his co-conspirators modified the home into a refrigerated storage and processing facility that used commercial industrial equipment. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. Dejected, Najera said he called relatives his wife had in Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora,to let them know what was happening. PROFILE: The plaza boss of Fronteras and Nacozari for Los Paredes. You guys remember some guy named rabbit or conejo that used to write about being in the Juarez paredes circle back in the day I think on a site with this other dude Michael or Michel Marisco or something like that. as Jefe de Plaza. I came to love the country and it's people so my heart breaksagain, when I read an account such as this. Friend of mine that disappeared after the shootings. Thanks for your work and effort . The wife and several other people didn't agree with how RCV handled the matter and made the call to kill him but they also killed the younger remaining son after "Juny" Coronel had died in an auto accident? M100 al mando de Agua Prieta. I agree to an extent, this part of Sonora has been safe. man, for real now, you have any idea how many cells of CDS are in sonora? Is she still one that is confirmed deceased? I dont see los paredes going anywhere anytime soon. The fighting this week is believed to involve a group that had tried to splinter off from the Sinaloa cartel operating in Agua Prieta. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. @5:56a.m!no they are a cancer and a plague combined in mexico! Violence erupted yesterday in two Mexican border cities, leaving at least nine dead. A cartel convoy of at least 10 trucks disrupted the early morning hours of the Mexican border city of Agua Prieta Monday morning with gunfire. "At first that group of migrants didn't want to move, they wanted to stay (at the border crossing. Some experts put the death El Seor de Tamazula is that Adelmo Niebla Gozalez ? But he also said the Mexican government has allowed the problem to fester and grow, with similar issues at other crossings. Or is he el camello. Ivan took out chuy as he was chapos guy in mazatlan when chapo got caught he and 20 tried to take agua prieta and well they got r5 but were eventually taken out chuy was a bad mofo but couldnt go against the people from ap and the massacre was not ordered from ap that type of action is and has never been the m.o. Javier Rascon "El Fox," Martin Torres "El Chupon," Adrian Cardian, Gabriel Meza "El 21," Leonel Toscano "El tigre." Ramirez was killed while riding in the white sedan [see below]. Era narco Cuantas almas ha de ver envenado tu querido Tio para hacer su dinero??? Along the 388 miles of border that Arizona shares with this arid land of the Mexican territory, almost all the marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine that enters here are moved by the Paredes cartel. border towns like Sonoyta, Nogales and Agua Prieta. Thanks again, this is new info for meKathi, All excellent questions. From the border city of Agua Prieta, Los Paredes monitor and coordinate the passage of drugs through Arizona. Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. is missing. La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo They offered to drive out to Agua Prieta, five hours away, to pick them up at the bus station and take them to the border crossing. maya cuadras ,nicole paredes sexy bitches, Most of the comments I read are complete stupidity, or lack of knowledge of the area. The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. The deaths of Javier Rascon El Fox, Cardian in Naco, the death of El Raton boss of the plaza in Naco and the death of Martin Torres El Chupon makes it possible for violence to continue. El que mal anda, mal acaba. Agua Prieta . Also what 4:06 said about the contras. He oversees Cumpas, Sahuaripa, Mulatos, Arivechi and Ycora. I'd love to do it. There are those that thought that he was King shit, however, you do not betray the people above you. But this kid deserves his anonymity. They was the Naco plaza boss and getting to sloppy segun, El jr is very smart. Responsible for direct operations was Martin Siqueiros "El Tin Tin," boss of the Plaza and "El L100 or panchon," leader of the sicarios in Agua Prieta. It sits on the MexicoU.S. He is originally from the United States and he is believed to reside in Phoenix, Arizona. Inframundo where the police authorities found two people who had been kidnapped, I wonder if the problem in CLN will make one of the people involved change the team they're on and seek the protection ofand close that route and change the power balance of Western Sonora? Jack Knox, a retiree living in Douglas, was among those volunteerswho would lead nervous families on a short walk to the border crossingand watchas they approached the customs officers checking documents at the entrance. This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. Fair enough Chivis, was only just wondering. However, it was funny when people asked where I got my info.. "get out of here, a narco blog!? El Jaguars group reportedly receives support from Sinaloa Cartels Gente del M100 in addition to his primary supporters, Los Paredes. Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. could his nephew been with them? They agreed to support El Jaguar's efforts to retake Madera from La Linea. Would be a interested read. My info is from listening to music, I wasn't told, heard a rumor or am related to any of these people. Me too I always looked forward to read chivis updated covid-19 info everyday because I got tired of the news talking about it 24/7. By Chris Kraul and Richard Boudreaux. Times Staff Writers. maybe at some point explain the structure of CDS, how it all works. Never say never, cjng are already there FYI. El que esta en la foto de su perifil con ella es el Juan Carlos alias el negro. These are some key regions right along the US-Mexico border, these are presumably valuable regions for trafficking purposes. i thought El Memo was in charge of Sonoyta. If you have balls do something about it and start changing your ways but in a better way not blaming everyone else but your self, Pura gente Arellano Felix. This place could be a war zone. So what is not exactly fair that you make it seem as though they are causing a lot of trouble. Los Paredes or not they carry the CDS flag meaning they mean nothing without the backing of these.Even with this backing they are still getting their asses kicked in Chihuahua by La Linea., thank you! The one-time top Sinaloa Cartel operative who controlled the region around Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora has agreed to a 22-year federal prison sentence after admitting his role in trafficking millions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States from 1991 to 2011. But he died at the hospital the day el 2000 gunmen killed leo. Gente original de la frontera. only iris is confirmed but i also know that social media says alondra also. I will share with you why if you email me. Aren't you the same guy that cryed of not wanting CV reporting and now you want it back. Ruben was nachos brother ?And BLO killed nachos son; Alejandro ? Your info is always interesting and complete - Keep it Up - Parro. Mandy dead. How horrific it would be to be a loved one of him and view him or the fotos. as for the family---i do relate to them but also acknowledge blame can be placed on the victims who often are in criminality collusion, and/or the perps. Para quitarle la plaza a los paredes Esta bien pelada esa familia tiene mucho power pinches pendejos los que creen que el cjng Esta en Sonora jajak imbeciles, Asta mas imbeciles ellos que se estan matando solos todo por ratas nimodo el cjng nomas va a esperar que uno de los dos lados pierda y bolas se va a poder meter fasil, pero que se queden con su agua prieta cjng ya tiene tijuana la entrada mas grande de usa para que quieren agua prieta? He also said he doesn't plan to leave the shelter unless it's necessary. Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. CAN WE HAVE SOME PROFILES ON THE BARRAZA LOPEZ FAMILY FROM DURANGO THEYRE HEAVY IN THE GAME AND ARE PART OF THE INFIGHTING GOING ON IN CDS RIGHT NOW. El Perin de Tamp. Thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin have entered this corridor to Arizona, New The DRUGS will never stop flowing unless the MONEY stops flowing $$$$ FACT, de Don Gilberto Paredes. Las cruces. The attack began at approximately 3:15am and resulted in two deaths with several vehicles torched. My personal expierence from my father being from Bacerac to his life long friends being from Agra Prieta, Cananea, and Naco weve traveled back and forth there from California. They came, walked around,then they left.". just say it would be an effective calorie diversion. Its a negative, multiplied be a negative and becomes a positive! They went violent about 05-06. A cartel convoy of at least 10 trucks disrupted the early morning hours of the Mexican border city of Agua Prieta Monday morning with gunfire. Places where he distributes drugs, charges "pago de piso" to street vendors and even to the Cananea mine, thus maintaining his operations for the protection of the territory. If there was two, then they come and pick up two more.". All Sonora and Chihuahua border was a war zone. "They told me that if I didn't have the money I should just turn back because they wouldn't let me out," he added. It's unfortunate for those getting herenow and coming away with this experience.". Agua Prieta is a town in the northeastern corner of the state of Sonora. CAN SOMEONE SEND ME THE LINK TO IRIS CHAVEZ FB PAGE? Then in October 2018, Ralls alleged that his client was tortured within hours of his arrest -including waterboarding, beatings, and threats of violence against his wife- for benefit of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, which funded various Mexican law enforcement operations. Where is the link to the original source in Spanish? The faith-based center, with capacity for 44 people,has operated in Agua Prietafor nearly two decades. Leo"s name was Manuel paredes machado. The most recent news out of Chihuahua indicates that La Linea has since reclaimed this area again. capital, Hermosillo, at 4:40 pm on the streets of Benito Jurez and the Colonia Centro, in a house known as El Especially in the border city of Agua Prieta. Something way off with your comprehension.First; i post everything that makes sense with refraining from exploitation by not using more than one of the same image.secondly WE GIVE WARNINGSThirdly, i did not say I was not posting the pic because of the family, and that is never the reason, but I do think about them. The fighting this week is believed to involve a group that had tried to splinter off from the Sinaloa cartel operating in Agua Prieta. Sonora has experienced an explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of Rocky Point.. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. But who cares about her anyway, like any girl of that nature she will find the next guy to take care of her. The third event took place in the city of Naco at Does anyone know why tin tin killed Javier Rascn el fox? the fault of her child seeing the foto is on her. Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. i tell you, a few. :) article is an overview of a CJNG attempted assassination on Omar Harfuch, the head of the Mexico City's police. Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) have been embedded in their areas for many years Ouch Chivis, glad you did not post it, I want to eat with ease, probably the body in the foto looks like carne molida. The current activities of the organization that generates profits are the theft of mines, dispossession of property, kidnapping and collection of land. used as a shipping point for drugs, and also oversee the flow of guns and cash and Tin found out and called them to meet up and on the way to the location he ambushed Javier. With Marco's doing 22 years, these people have had a rough go of it. By Chris Kraul and Richard Boudreaux. He is responsible for drug transport to the border and has co-responsibility for executions in the state of Sonora and Chihuahua by his armed group. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. Like other cities along the U.S.-Mexico border, Agua Prieta has drawn a rising number of families mostly from Central America and southern Mexicobut also from other parts of the world who are seeking asylum in the United States. Your Paredes hroes. There were some internal battles with "El 4" against "El 51 or El Nio." Many plaza bosses reportedly reside in Agua Prieta despite the territory they control being elsewhere in Sonora. Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. Cause if ur a cds boss and get a little big you get taken out? Who do you think heated up all Chihuahua. That doesn't make them look like they're bad. sedan car after receiving several s\shots from an AK47. Jorge hails from the LaMadrid family, a family which is heavily involved in drug trafficking for Los Paredes / the Sinaloa Cartel. He and his family still rules there. Miguel Caro Quintero ran that state for his brother when he was free and in prison. Upon the cartel's disintegration, its leaders were incorporated into the Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel. Some media have alleged that El Junior took control of Los Paredes shortly after his father's arrest. Since more families are expected to arrive inAgua Prieta soon, advocates are looking at other ways to help protect them. When theyarrived in Agua Prieta, a man also approached them at the bus station, demanding money to let them out. It considered to be the "seat of power" for the Paredes empire. "We have to be very clear about it. It considered to be. Thats a lame story. Is la tepito union that powerful to counter giant cartels ? The agency's involvement, he added, has provided some protectionand relief for migrants who are shaken up after their initial experiencein the city. not just him but 2 other guys, unfortunately two women were in the cars and also died, and in naco sonora just 20 mins away another got ambushed. For now, the numbers here are much smaller than in Nogales and San Luis Rio Colorado, twolarger Mexican cities along the U.S. border with Arizona,with lengthier queues of migrants waiting for weeks or months at at time. El que esta en la foto aun lado del fox con la esquadra Era jefe de Los sicarios del Seor. He looks different now being that this pic here is older. Jose Martin Luy-Sierra, also known as Pepe and Chino, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora resident of Agua Prieta who pretends to be an entrepreneur, is dedicated to drug trafficking and is plaza boss in the municipalities of Huasabas, Granados, Bacadhuachi and Tecoriname. Sonora: Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta shootout, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. Martin Alonso Siqueiros, also known as Tin Tin and 9-12, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, lives in Agua Prieta and is the main face of the Los Paredes cartel. With peoples mentality like yours its always going to be a mess. El Tigre is originally from Huachinera, Sonora. Some family members had crossed through Agua Prieta and had encouraged them to come here too, Najera said. The shelter is full to overflowing, but staff and volunteers remain committed to finding ways to extend hospitality to the migrants who knock at their door. This ended with the death of "El 4 at the hands of the faithful "El R8.". Well there were not that many left prior to the BLO CDS war. "I was close to heading back.". Robbing from the dead brings very bad luck. It sits on the MexicoU.S. Good story Thanks How much is the Mayor of Sonora is involoved I think shes a woman Wondering about the Crusie line that started in Mexico / Az Is it Cartel owned Is this the same area Sonora or is it only parts Its hard to keep up or even understand the Cartels area Since other names come up in the same areas Gets very confuseing so do strong smaller fractions of other cartels work together ?? El fox el delta and some others are minor bosses, who controlled part of the business but they all reported to paredes (and him, to mayo zambada or chapo himself) el fox and some others, attemped a coup de etat, a hostile takeover or whatever you wanna name it: didnt suceed and these are the consequences. Como que casi todos aqu deberan de trabajar para la DEA Que buena informacin tienen, Interesting / informative article. El Gigio fue capturado por las autoridades y ya esta en el bote. Once again u out do yourself.Great job E42, AP will not be taken by CJNG, too much power and conectas w/ RCQ/MZ orgs. I don't think I know enough about Mexico City right now to give you any comprehensive answers but I can recommend these overview articles that link to many other sources with further details. There is no mention in the plea agreement of whether the lesser sentence was offered in exchange for past or future testimony. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico . "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. El 20 was killed by a "9mm handgun fired by a SKILLED SICARIO" pues paque les digo si ya se la saben . Saludos compas El Junior y Tin Tin RIP R5, 006 you are famous!Your photo is on BB the rare narco pics topic . Siqueiros is also accused of drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, money laundering and giving orders to kidnap, make people disappear, and execute people inside and outside the state of Sonora. Hundreds of kilos.lmao..try thousand even hundreds of thousands of kilos.. What happened to the chivis coronavirus page? It sits on the Upon the cartel's disintegration, its leaders were incorporated into the Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel. They werent robbing, they were getting rid of all the evidence that was in the truck (weapons, radios etc) before the military arrived to the scene those people that were removing said evidence are those that worked for Fox as his bodyguards, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;[email protected]. The shelter is full to overflowing, but staff and volunteers remain committed to finding ways to extend hospitality to the migrants who knock at their door. Damm good article, Buggs. M97 seems to have a good grasp of the past dynamics of Durango, I assume he's from there. role in the kidnappings and murders across Mexico. What i find absurd is Mexican press blacks out the eyes of perps yet publishes murder and execution images. [see video]. Violence erupted yesterday in two Mexican border cities, leaving at least nine dead. So for being a real borderland with major drug and human trafficking occurring, its been relatively safe. I try to answer all questions, especially emailed ones. and work directly for Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, head of the Sinaloa Cartel, This criminal is also in charge of the security of "Junior" when he is in Mexico. Gero Cano, also known as 9-11, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and residing in Cananea, Sonora is responsible for looking after the plazas of Cananea, San Pedro, Santa Cruz and Naco. At most, they take about eight people per day, but some days they don't take anyone at all, he said. Lobos men kept getting killed so linea took back madera, El Jaguar ran to his daddy tin tin in sonora, Y'all should do one on the CJNG to see where El sapo El 3 chito cano RR jardinero all and all of them fall into the organization structure wise. Sonora has experienced an explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of Rocky Point.. Note: Late last night I posted what was to be a Last year, the Lebanon massacre and plus the bloodshed of war brought a spotlight that may eventually bring the downfall of this long tenured regime. Possibly has influence in Mesa Tres Rios, Nacori Chico even though it is the territory of fellow Los Paredes member El Pepe. No mames read the article you are way off foo, G3 and Tolteca flipped, according to the previous article "Notable Figures La Linea Part II", El jaguar lost support too wage war on linea in madera. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels, Los Paredes, Protected by the Government in Sonora where Impunity Prevails, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. Leonel Paredes-Peru was the founder of this Mexican criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking, money laundering and arms trafficking. There are few details on if and how much of this sentence was served. Lionel paredes Peru, was a half brother, a fuck up. There is talk of treasons and new alliances that threaten the peace of Agua Prieta. La plaza tiene dueo. total of 7 men and 2 women but the local news isn't going to report that. PROFILE: El Pepe is originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and he is thought to currently reside in Agua Prieta municipality. He poses as a businessman and he has multiple companies dedicated to money laundering, one of them is believed to, Located on the state lines between Sonora and Chihuahua, these municipalities are bordering. No, she was dating Juan Carlos el negro. They had paid a huge price. By Chris Kraul and Richard Boudreaux. According to the indictment, Paredes-Machado led a drug trafficking organization in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, that was responsible for the distribution of 40 tons of marijuana. Parades-Machado, 55, was arrested near Mexico City in January 2011 on a U.S. extradition warrant. There is a way bigger story about these people, that has real facts to it. of smuggling routes. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. Which cartel controls MX city ?Kathi. Agua Prieta . At the time, the U.S. pointed out that the 8 men "So what we did wastell them that they could stay at the shelter, and each morning Grupo Beta checks how many families were taken in.
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